Jeny had her surgery for removal of a cancerous Squamish cell on Monday. We appreciate the many prayers and good wishes for both of us in our recent bouts with skin cancer.
Jeny was not to drink wine for 7 days before the surgery and no coffee the day of the surgery. I deeply appreciate your prayers for me during these times of crisis.
Both of our surgeries were successful. The reports were complete removal of cancerous cells and excellent prognoses.
Jeny’s surgery was on her calf and the skin was tight. The doctor thought a skin graft might be necessary. It was not — but she was inconsiderable pain and is to minimize her walking for the next few days. She refused pain medication and is toughing it out in the recliner.
The situation means my responsibilities for her well-being have increased. I am of course glad to meet my responsibilities Neighbors and friends have been very helpful, but my focus on her health has reduced my focus on today’s blog.
Rather than throwing something together I will just stop with this update and return next week.
I do have a treat for those of you with ties to our time together at Illinois State University. One of the special people in our fellowship sent me a picture of herself and her art work. Dawn Williams is a Senior Associate Director of Annual Giving at Barnard College. Her art is a hobby. I thought you might like to see her and an excellent example of her hobby.