Critical Race Theory. Critical race theory is a very controversial topic. Some people are passionately for and others are passionately against. When asked about why they care so much, very few people have first-hand knowledge of the topic on which to form an opinion. For example, I believe most people on both sides would be surprised to learn the Critical Race view is critical of American liberal approaches. Many people, on both sides, make their judgements based on information from their favorite news commentator or a Facebook friend. 

If you would have asked my opinion a few weeks ago, I certainly would have responded —” I do not have enough information to form an opinion.” I decided the topic is important enough, I needed to educate myself.

As you might imagine I found some things with which I agree and some things with which I disagree. I stress the words “some” and “and.”  Today I will give a very rough, first-glimpse from my reading of several sites.

Please note I make my comments are about critical race theory with the recognition I could critique opponents’ views. I leave that for another day.

Agree. I agree with the need to be honest and educated about past prejudice and the built-in prejudice in some institutions. I support knowing past and present injustice as long as the concepts of “some “and “and” are used. Some majority people are…  Some institutions are…

Disagree. While I understand the social concepts of race and racism, I prefer using the social concepts of prejudice and power to try to understand the human race. For me, the concept of prejudice is capable of understanding evils of our past and systemic problems of our present but in a way that is less divisive.

I start with the assumption all humans are prejudice. We all have problems of prejudice. This way the finger pointing at the planks in others’ eyes in order to feel superior is removed. We all have planks. From a Biblical perspective, we have all sinned and fallen short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23).

As I read critical race theory the use of race and racism is used in a divisive manner. The terms race and racism began with the Spanish and Portuguese as a way for the majority to think ME and MINE are better than YOU and YOURS. Critical race theory appears to me to be a way for a minority to think me and mine are better than you and yours. We need approaches that think WE AND OURS.

To add to the divisiveness, the approach is an “all” and not a “some” approach. They seem to lump all of the majority culture together rather than speaking of some of the majority culture. Some theorists define racism in a way that all minorities are not racist. The approach does not allow for majority or minority people or institutions to be both good and bad. 

I did not read any self-criticism or any attempts to accept even partial responsibility for our problems.

I stress my comments are a rough first glimpse.  If any of you have read and thought about the topic, I welcome your thoughts and advice as I develop my journey through this difficult and important topic.

Good News. From Sunny Skyz:

In the era of the spoiled celebrities two items caught my eye:

  1. Rafael Nadal made a 97-year-old’s dream by playing a round of tennis with him.
  2. Luke Bryan pulls over to help woman change a tire.


“There are no unimportant jobs.” Former FBI boss becomes school bus driver during shortage.

Bagel shop owner shaves his head to show a regular customer she is not alone in her cancer fight.

And in Alabama, on the beach by our cottage:

Lifeguards carry a 95-year-old woman from Indiana to the beach every day during her vacation. 

Another good story came from 60 Minutes and was reported on numerous media outlets. They highlighted an architectural design firm that works in ways that create jobs, improve health and are esthetically appealing. They made an incredible impact in Rwanda and now in the US; a great example of compassionate capitalism

Great News. Jeny got her 6th and final chemotherapy. She will go back in two weeks and have blood work. She will go in four weeks for a CT Scan. If she is clear, she will ring the bell and be done. Thank you for the love and support you have shown to her and to me. We needed it.




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