Happy Holidays


Merry Christmas

Jeny and I extend our very best to you. This has been a tough year for us, but the prayers and good tidings by many of you made a bad year into a good year.

Sharing and Learning. Many of you have been kind enough to send me links and suggest books and articles to read. I learn from them, and I thank each and every one of you for sharing. Please keep it up.

I have been asked to preach three times in the next few weeks. I know how difficult it is to put together and deliver a meaningful, brief presentation. That is why the following is of interest to me.

Recently a long-time friend and blog reader sent me a link to Lou Holz giving a motivational address at Fransiscan University, Steubenville, Ohio.  If you have ever tried to give a brief speech you will appreciate the genius of his presentation. He makes several great points in a few memorable words with great humor.

In the interest of full disclosure, the speech includes a personal testimony to his faith as is appropriate for an address at a Roman Catholic university. Also, I have never been a big fan of Lou Holtz, but I was very impressed by this talk. I thought you would enjoy hearing his brief speech.

We are going to enjoy family and food this next week. We are thankful for health as well as the hopes and joys given in the promise of Christmas. We hope you have a blessed holiday season.




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