Illegal Immigration. The flow of illegal immigrants over our southern border is deeply troubling to me.
While it may appear to be a silly notion, there is a serious message in remembering — unlimited immigration did not work out well for Native Americans.
We need a better process. The idea that we simply close a 2000-mile border does not seem feasible to me. The denial of all immigration certainly is not feasible. Denying illegal entry while improving the process for legitimate immigrants seems feasible and necessary, but will not occur without cooperation between parties.
Somewhere between “keep them all out” and “let them all in” is where we need to be. Both parties need to work together to fix the process.
The difficulty in achieving cooperation was made clearer this week by Matt Gaetz. He introduced a motion to vacate the Speaker of the House. His stated reason was McCarthy had “worked with Democrats” on the Stop Gap funding of our nation. Removing the Speaker because he worked across the aisle is a troubling idea. In my opinion we need cooperation and dialog to solve many major issues.

Massive Election Fraud? On Dec. 3, 2022, Donald Trump posted on Truth Social: “A Massive Fraud of this type and magnitude allows for the termination of all rules, regulations, and articles, even those found in the Constitution.” In a matter serious enough to suggest termination of the Constitution, I feel I have to try to understand the claim of election fraud.
This week former president Trump continued to push the claim of massive election fraud in the state of California. He spoke in front of 1500 Republicans at the California Republican Convention. He said “No way we lose this state in a real election.”
I decided to investigate that claim. In the last election the official vote in California was 11,110,250 For Biden – 6,006,429 for Trump. In order for me to believe Trump’s claim I have to believe there were enough fraudulent votes in California to make up a 5,103,871 difference. I have not seen evidence to support fraud for over 5 million votes in California. In the absence of any first-hand evidence in the state of California the claim is difficult for me to understand.
In a move that should concern supporters of the claim of election fraud the U.S. Supreme Court on Monday declined to hear an appeal by two lawyers contesting a $187,000 financial sanction imposed on them by a judge who found they made recklessness and frivolous claims in litigation they brought seeking to overturn former President Donald Trump’s 2020 election loss as fraudulent.
The current U. S Supreme Court certainly cannot be called left-wing or deep-state by any means.

Yes, I am so old I read obituaries. I read the obituaries in my hometown newspaper every day. Last week I saw a first-time event. An alumnus of my high school was buried 80 years after his death. Army Air Force Staff SGT Wesley Jones was brought home for burial.
“He was serving aboard a B-24 Liberator bomber when it crashed on Aug. 1, 1943, after being hit by enemy anti-aircraft fire during Operation TIDAL WAVE, the largest bombing mission against the oil fields and refineries at Ploiesti, north of Bucharest, Romania,” the Army said.
Jones was 22 years old. His remains weren’t identified for several decades.
“Following the war, the American Graves Registration Command disinterred all American remains from the Bolovan Cemetery for identification. More than 80 unknowns could not be identified and were permanently interred at Ardennes American Cemetery and Henri-Chapelle American Cemetery, both in Belgium,” the Army explained.
Advances in DNA technology made closure possible for Jones’ family and opened the door for his remains to be returned to Wichita.
“In 2017, the Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency began exhuming unknowns believed to be associated with unaccounted-for airmen from Operation TIDAL WAVE losses, sending the remains to the DPAA Laboratory at Offutt Air Force Base, Nebraska, for examination and identification,” the Army said.
In March, a chest radiograph comparison “and circumstantial evidence, as well as dental anthropological, mitochondrial DNA analysis,” led to a positive identity on Jones’ remains. The advances in technology are amazing. When used for good they yield great rewards.
I was very touched by the event. I was proud of my country. I find this to be a meaningful concern for veterans and their families and a statement of good values.
Another sign of aging. The realities of aging are not taught in schools. Our physical changes are not taught or more people would take the time to stretch and care for their bodies.
Another reality that we do not teach are the passages that come with a long life. My mentor at Iowa has continued to be a successful scholar for years after his retirement. Recently the university needed space so he had to vacate his office; a passage I made when I retired. Cleaning out an office is usually a bittersweet event, good memories coupled with the reality of change.
Recently, Jeny and I recarpeted several rooms. We had to clear out closets for the workers to have room to work. We used the occasion to throw away items or give them to Goodwill.
Jeny’s faded, fragile wedding dress had ben unworn for 61 years. She decided it was time for it to go, a very tough passage!
Good News
Speaking of Aging
Chicago woman, 104, jumps from plane, aiming for record as the world’s oldest skydiver | Fox News
First responders
‘I Gotta Get Him’: Warren Officer Risks Life To Save Boy Being Electrocuted (sunnyskyz.com)
‘Beyond The Walls’: Local Heroes Recognized For Their Selfless Efforts (sunnyskyz.com)
Hospital Throws Surprise Homecoming Dance For Teen Cancer Patient (sunnyskyz.com)
Please forgive any editorial issues. My editor is in Gulf Shores for a reunion with women from our fellowship in Illinois. We have not seen some of them for over 40 years.