Happy Happy. To me, Thanksgiving is not just an annual event. I try to make it a daily event.
A retired-pastor friend gives talks, primarily in retirement communities. One of the resources for her talks is A Village of 100. The resource has several variations and has recently been update. The information is a good reminder to me to be thankful every day. The privileges and blessings I have been given for over 80 years are humbling.
The latest version is: https://red.library.usd.edu/idea/291/
The world is obviously in turmoil. Many individual have serious health, depression, losses and other issues to bear. Still, I hope this Thanksgiving everyone is able to set problems aside for a day and join Jeny and me in being thankful for what we have!

My Thanksgiving is not about History. I have a deep appreciation for the mistreatment of Native Americans. Some proponents of First Nation tribes do not support Thanksgiving because of the history of mistreatment of Native Americans.
While I understand the history, my celebration is more about faith, family and friends. I like the idea of Thanksgiving above and beyond its origins.
Happy Thanksgiving to all my friends.