Holiday Greeting. Hanukkah began on December 7 and will end tomorrow the 15th. The celebration seems more important this year in light of the war in Israel. I wish all of my Jewish friends a Happy Hanukkah and freedom from persecution.

Another Birthday. Since I last wrote you, I turned 81. I had a good birthday. As I told everyone, I was glad to have another one. Every day is a blessing.
Our son Shane gave me a Dairy Queen Blizzard Reece’s birthday cake. I did not know DQ made them. He knew my soft-spot for DQ Blizzards. My diet was destroyed for 3 days. I loved it.
81 years is a long time. In thinking about longevity, I checked Ancestry.com. If I have the correct information, I am the longest living male Williams since we came to America.
Dad lived to be 79
Granddad lived to be 78
Great granddad lived to be 80
Great, great-granddad lived to be 75
Great, great, great-granddad lived to be 31
Great, great, great, great-granddad lived to be 73
Great, great, great, great, great-granddad lived to be 70
Great, great, great, great, great, great-granddad lived to be 63
Great, great, great, great, great, great, great-granddad lived to be 75
I have a long way to go to pass the women. I had one grandmother make it to 99, the other to 89 and mom made it to 93.

Energy. I was very impressed with the Republican Governor of Wyoming Mark Gordon. He was a guest on 60 Minutes. His discussion of energy was a thoughtful balanced dialog. He is concerned with climate change. He became concerned the same way I did. He saw the glaciers melting.
His discovery process was different that mine. He is a mountain climber and made the observations during his climbing adventures. I was a tourist in Alaska and New Zealand. I thought to myself the glaciers are receding in both hemispheres. Heat causes ice to melt. Seemed simple to me. What is not simple is pinpointing the causes.
Wyoming is the leading coal producing state in the US. He did not dismiss coal energy or make exaggerated claims against it. He is pursuing greener sources of energy because they are available. Wyoming is preparing a huge solar field, a new nuclear energy plant and wind farms.
To my ear, he is not a green ideolog. He did not bad mouth fossil fuels. He believes developing sources of greener energy without racing to destroy the fossil fuel industry makes good sense. I agree and I liked the statesman-like manner of dialog. The interview can be seen here: Wyoming Gov. Mark Gordon pursues green agenda in red state | 60 Minutes – CBS News
Good News
In light of the debate about COVID treatments this is a very interesting article.
Compassionate Capitalism at work
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A star gives back