Journalism. During my trip to Wichita last week, a classmate asked me a very interesting question: “I wonder what they are teaching in journalism classes these days.” I replied I do not know but it is not the journalism of our youth. He and I have faith agreements and political differences, but we agreed that on both sides of the political spectrum, journalism is closer to propaganda than reporting the news.
His comment made watching the 60 Minutes interview with Kamala Harris much more interesting. 60 Minutes is considered a main stream media that is “left of center.” I was interested in the seriousness of the correspondent’s questions.
At one point Bill Whitaker asked a tough question and when she did not answer it, he called her on it: “You did not answer my question.”
When she reported the border crossings are down because of improved enforcement policies, he asked— “Why did you not do it earlier?”
He also pressed her about how to pay for the plans she proposes.
In addition, during the segment, VP candidate Waltz was put on the spot. He was asked about being untruthful about where he was during the Tiananmen Square protest.
All of these were much closer to the memories I have of legitimate journalism. I was glad to see candidates on the left having to address tough questions from a program the is left of center.

Sawdust and Planks. You do not have to know me long or know me well before you discover one of my favorite questions. Jesus asked – “Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? “
The question is important no matter what your faith may be or if you are agnostic or atheist. If you are human, then the question is important.
In my own life I struggle with the issue, it is too easy to see fault in others and tough to acknowledge my own faults. I also see sawdust flicking frequently acted out in others, sometimes in small ways and other times in big ways.
One of the biggest recent events has been the weather. I see people quick to blame FEMA for recovery problems while failing to take responsibility for their own contributions to recovery problems. A clear example of flicking sawdust while ignoring planks.
Some of the sawdust is even fantasy. Some people have claimed the government controlled the weather in order to take over lithium mines and people’s property. That fantasy is a first for me. I have never heard such nonsense before. I do not know what is more depressing — people making those claims or people believing the claims to the point of armed threats.
Even though I have never heard that fantasy claim before, I have observed sawdust flicking when other disasters have occurred and the flicking was not by the political right.
To make my point I will share some personal experiences from two other major disasters. In the present disaster the right is the primary mover in finding fault with the government. In the other two experiences it was the left finding fault.
George Bush was the Republican president in 2006 when Katrina came ashore. I well remember the left spreading misinformation about New Orleans and seeking to find fault with the government. The press contributed to the search for sawdust.

I recall a live interview by Katie Couric that makes my point. She interviewed an elderly woman of color who lived along the Mississippi Gulf Coast. I do not remember the specific words but the gist of the interaction went something like this:
Katie – What are some of the ways FEMA is mistreating you?
Woman of color – Katie, honey they are not mistreating us. This is a hurricane. This is a disaster. We went through Camile and we will roll up our sleeves and get through Katrina.
Katie was looking for sawdust and got mud in her eye.
In 1966, Jeny and I experienced a Level 5 tornado in Topeka, Kansas. I was in a meeting where a person complained the government was mistreating her neighborhood. She claimed no one was helping them. Unfortunately for her, a Mennonite person was present who told her of his first-hand experience. The Mennonite Relief Services went to her neighborhood first and went door-to-door seeing to people’s needs.
Finger pointing in a disaster is a very sad example of the need to find fault in others. No matter what the political persuasion, I do not like the blame game occurring when we should be cooperating. Disasters are difficult times. We should do what we can to help not to increase the problem.
This and That
I read a very long article in the October 14, New Yorker magazine titled, “When the Ice Melts.” The article centers in research occurring in Greenland. The author presents a balanced position by discussion both carbon emissions and natural cycles of nature. To read the article on line you have to be a subscriber. The big point I got out of it is – climate change is occurring; we need to be preparing for change. That is why I found two articles so interesting.
The first was about an entire coastal community in Florida that is built to withstand hurricanes:
The second was a scientific advancement to turn an air pollutant into fuel.
Good News
I cried.
Coast Guard Rescues Man Found Clinging To Cooler After Hurricane Milton (sunnyskyz.com)