Whether you like Obama or not, I think his words here are wise. I have a deep concern about the division in our country and the opportunity that divisiveness creates for outside forces to cause problems within us. I am a strong believer in united we stand; divided we fall.
Winning the House, Senate and presidency is a clear victory, but recieving less than 50% of the popular vote is not a landslide. In 2020, I thought the Democrats should have paid more attention to the 75 million who voted for Trump. In the same manner, I believe the Republicans should be attentive to the 75 million who voted Democrat.
When Joe Biden selected a vice-president and formed his cabinet, as with all presidents, he looked for people who supported his policies. In addition, diversity was a very important part of his selection process. The appearance of putting diversity over competence was thought by many to be a problem.
When Donald Trump selected his cabinet and formed his cabinet, by most reports his first and maybe only requirement was loyalty to him. One test was whether they would support the claim the 2020 election was stolen.
Based on my experiences in education administration and sport consulting, if a leader surrounds himself or herself with people who depend solely on the leader, the results are not as successful as when a leader enables people to give advice without threats of retaliation. The ancient fable about the emperor has no clothes has a sound moral message for all time.
Both men diverged from the past. Agreement with policies is not the same as meeting a diversity checklist or allegiance to a person. I may be wrong, but I do not sense progress toward unity in the actions of either person. Unfortunately, both sides seem to be saying, if you would just agree with us, then we would have unity.

We have lived in cold weather. In graduate school in Iowa, the front door of our trailer house would freeze shut. We had to wrap heat tape around our pipes. Our Blazer had a plug in warmer. We reversed our sweeper to blow warm air on inside pipes to keep them warm. I often drove on treacherous ice to get to school.
On ski trips, we snowshoed a mile uphill in waist deep snow and freezing temperatures to our cabin in Colorado. We suffered through snow and ice storms growing up in Kansas and again when we lived in Illinois.
In all of those cases, cold was a normal part of life. Everyone expected it and were prepared. I know some of you have had a bitter winter, but you are prepared for it. We now live where bitter cold is unexpected and people are not prepared.
We have snow in Gulf Shores where Shane lives and Jeny has her cottage. Snow at the beach!!!
The picture is our front yard early in the storm. We eventually had a record setting 7 inches. We have hunkered down. We have had to go through extra ordinary precautions to keep pipes from freezing. I got out my parka and long underwear just in case.
The last time we had snow was seven years ago when I was in the hospital with my stroke. I am hoping for better health this time.
I just shake my head when I contrast our weather with the heat of the fires some my readers are facing in California.

Gestures Have Meaning. I am concerned about Elon Musk’s support of the AFD party in Germany. I became more concerned when at the inauguration celebration, not once but twice, he gave a salute that is similar to the salute given to Hitler.
I do not know what the salute meant to him. I am not claiming he is a Nazi, but I am pointing out he needs to understand how this gesture emboldens those who have Nazi inclinations. He needs to be made aware there are crazies who will take the salute as support for their cause. Please carefully note — the following is not an article about left-wing objections to the salute but about far right-wing support for the salute. They believed he was sending a message.
Right-Wing Extremists Are Abuzz Over Musk’s Straight-Arm Salute
This and That
Humor from a friend
She was only an artist’s daughter but she knew where to draw the line.
To my mind, Joe and Jill Biden’s petulance about Nancy Pelosi is further evidence she was right to push to have him withdraw from the election.
Afghanistan Refugees
I support strengthening our borders. I do not support failing to support Afghans who fought side-by side with us. I thought the Biden withdrawal from Afghanistan was a disaster and I feel the same way about the treatment of Afghan refugees by the Trump administration.
Donald Trump Cancels Flights for 1,600 Refugees: Report
Good News
First-Responder Kindness
Witnessed Kindness: Officer Joins Man In Need Instead Of Moving Him Along
Officer Raises Over $20K For Delivery Driver Who Only Got A $2 Tip In A Snow Storm
Lineworkers’ Heartwarming Gesture Brings Smiles To Veterans After Ice Storm